Jareau Mantel Communication Manager at LKQ Benelux-France

Jareau Mantel

Communication Manager at LKQ Benelux-France

Jareau Mantel

Meet our Communication Manager at LKQ Benelux-France

I’m lucky enough to have experienced both sides of communication – in my professional life. Before joining LKQ Europe, I was sometimes on the receiving end. So, I know how frustrating it can be when communication doesn’t make any sense and you can’t relate to it. But because I’ve been there, I now know how to avoid this type of confusion. The solution sounds simple – step away from your desk and get a fresh perspective. In my case, go to other departments or warehouses to talk to people. These valuable conversations are an insightful two-way street that lets me find out if what I’m doing is relatable. As part of our exchange, I can find out if people understand the intended message and the way it’s presented. It’s what I love most about my role – in communications, the learning curve never ends.

Valuable conversations are an insightful two-way street that lets me find out if what I’m doing is relatable.

JAREAU MANTEL Communication Manager at LKQ Benelux-France 

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