LKQ Europe supports the Data Act with a strong consumer focus

The Data Act defines who and on which conditions, receives access to and can create value from data generated in vehicles. By applying harmonized and transparent rules, the act will make data generated by using products or related services available to the user, a third party or to public sectors. LKQ Europe supports these aspirations and believes that the legislation can provide a solid framework for data access rights for private and commercial users.
Direct, independent, unmonitored, secure, real-time access to the vehicle is one of the key drivers of innovation in the automotive aftermarket industry - the collected data will enable companies to make future vehicle improvements and digital services tailor made, up to date and easily accessible.
It can only be done by putting consumers at the centre and ensuring that the decision to release data is with the vehicle owners and drivers. Therefore, LKQ Europe asked the EU Commission to not only propose a minimum list of data, functions and resources but also governance rules on access to in-vehicle data to better specify how access would occur and be controlled.
LKQ Europe is ready to work with the European institutions to further refine the proposal and support the creation of an additional sector specific legislation on access to in-vehicle generated data to cater for the specific needs of our industry.